Un libro en una wiki: Textbook of Primary Care Medicine

Welcome to WiserWiki!

This website was originally started with content from the “Textbook of Primary Care Medicine” (3rd Edition) by John Noble – a leading figure in primary care medicine. It is evolving to become a key source of authoritative, online medical information.
Like most Wikis on the internet (such as Wikipedia), WiserWiki can be read by anyone who has internet access. However, unlike most Wikis, WiserWiki can only be edited by board certified doctors to ensure that the information is as trustworthy and reliable as possible. Doctors can also use WiserWiki as a valuable resource to collaborate with each other and to determine best practices by group consensus. We hope that you enjoy WiserWiki and find it useful.
As WiserWiki is currently in beta version, we are experimenting with various ways to make it a better site for you as a user. We hope that users will continually evolve the site to best suit their needs. Therefore, we welcome your feedback and suggestions! We have already received several helpful suggestions and are determining appropriate changes to make the site more user-friendly. We hope you will be patient with us during this beta phase. But please check back often as we work to add additional features and functionality!
The WiserWiki Team


Core Issues and Special Groups in Primary Care Presenting Signs and Symptoms Infectious Disease Women’s Health
Psychiatric, Psychosocial, and Behavioral Issues Cardiovascular Disease Pulmonary Disease Dermatology
Endocrine, Diabetes, and Metabolism Gastrointestinal Disease Hematology/Oncology Musculoskeletal Disease
Nephrology Urology Neurology Ophthalmology

Fuente: Primum Non Nocere

2 thoughts on “Un libro en una wiki: Textbook of Primary Care Medicine”

  1. Realmente es curioso, ya que su precio en Amazon esta alrededor de 60 dolares. Pero tambien indica un cambio en los medios de informacion, como puede ser un libro, y Elselvier parece no querer atras con estas nuevas tecnologias. El copyright es algo que va cada dia mas en vias de extincion. Incluso grandes diarios hoy tienen sus blogs, aun cuando tienen los derechos reservados. En el blog podes encontrarte con varios videos de la web 2.0, a mi me llama mucho la atencion este que publico hoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xj8ZadKgdC0

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